
Your safety and wellbeing is our top priority.
In order to operate safely and maintain a clean and healthy atmosphere, we will implement the following: If you know you’re sick, you feel sick or have any symptoms such as a fever or severe cough (not an allergy cough), STAY HOME.
  • If you have had a fever within the last 24 hrs, please stay home until at least 48 hrs after your temp has stopped.
  • We sanitize between each client as well.
  • We’ve also purchased an ultraviolet light and ozone air purifier to clean and sanitize the airflow within our office. This will operate within our HVAC system.
  • If you feel that you need to continue to self-quarantine, please contact us and let us know so that we can cancel your appt/s and reschedule you for a later date which you feel will be a better future time for you.


  1. We thank you for your understanding.  – Jeremiah Steinhauer